Each MCCC Student is required to develop a program-related professional portfolio before graduation. Most students will complete this in their senior year. However, preparation starts during the student’s first year in one of our programs. Student’s begin collecting program information, photographs and diagrams of samples of their work, accomplishments and awards during their first year. In their second, and when applicable the third year, while continuing to add evidence of his or her experiences at the Career Center, the student will develop a professional looking resume including contact information for professional references.

With guidance from their teachers and other support staff, each student is required to complete a practice application, as well as produce a sample cover letter and a post-interview follow-up thank you letter.

Throughout the year, through both formal and informal opportunities such as practice interviews, visits by post-secondary recruiters and employers, and Career Day activities, students meet with prospective employers from throughout the region, and a wide spectrum of professions. MCCC encourages the development of not only professional and technical skills, but also the “soft skills” important for making a good first impression and strengthen their.

See Ms. Kerry Overfield, Guidance Counselor for further information.

Student resume prep